Zorce: Events:
Cloud 9 Rave Thursday 21st July, 2005 @ ZEN
Zen Nightclub, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. A Zoners Production.
Photography by Narend Sooknarine

Zoners in collaboration with the popular Zen Nightclub finally ran the pilot Cloud9 Pre-Rave. Needless to say this party was totally hot! Lasers, Strobes, Blacklighting and the hottest trance, techno, breakbeat and drum n' bass (just a few of the genres) electronica tracks lit up Zen's entire Level 3 Rooftop as ravers moved into total immersion. Thanks to this event's success, Cloud 9 Rave Thursdays are here to stay...

Trinidad & Tobago is finally starting to embrace Rave music and culture. The experience is extremely engaging once you acquire a taste for electronic music. For complete enjoyment one should come equipped with lightsticks which are available at most shopping mall party stores. Rest up, get dressed, grab a can of your favorite energy drink (Red Bull, by two) then get the party started!

There are no set rules of how one should dance, or enjoy this kind of music, you are free to allow yourself to become entranced by the rhythm and just move as you feel to. Ravers are in a way their own kind of community. Simply by attending the event, you have chosen to appreciate the music and the experience. The fact that there is a common niche interest, makes it easier to approach and relate to people. Pleasantly, this is different from the standard nighlub demeanour of most.

Before you go delving into the pictures, know this... On Thursday the 28th, internationally known American DJ, George Acosta is going to be there– spinning! If you think this week's party looks hot, next week will be taken to the next level! Look out for the coverage, right here on Zorce!

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