A, B, C and M racing class boats break the mill (cruising around the pre-starter bouy waiting on the start boat's signal) and come out side by side. They remain holding formation behind the start boat until they pass the start marker where the starter boat exits the course.
Mobil Heatwave on the move, past Castol Extreme and pulls alongside Baico II. At the first marker Baico II turns after Mobil Heatwave and is followed by Rage– with their aft/mid mounted wing.
Castrol Extreme (A1), the boat that made the flip at the last meet has made a full recovery, seen here getting some flight time. Rage is still building speed before they too can become airbornw. Up front, Baico II tries hard to keep up with Mr. Solo Too, with both boats getting airborne through this part of the course. Below... "So high from Solo!" (qu: G. Acosta – NP)
Come nah... Pics! - PAGE 3

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