The Toyota Trinidad & Tobago, Diamond Motors' Mitsubishi & Southern Sales' Audi had their latest model Sedans, SUVs and Pickups on display. Toyota is a key sponsor of the boat White Heat (B-01) and made sure to bring a few other models along to help market it.
The Toyota girls made sure everyone got their copy of One Aim, Toyota's magazine about their research, internal progress, Worldwide Formula1 and other racing efforts.
Now let's take a quick browse of some of the other boats present at the Trinidad & Tobago Power Boats Association's Carib Great Race 2004 PowerBoat Showoff! Castrol Extreme (A1), the boat that made the flip at the last meet has made a full recovery, Intense (A59), Blaze (A72), Legend (S7), Sensation (S8), Mobil Heatwave (A30), Rite Formula (S333), Hero II (P55) and others make up the rest of this year's keen competition...
Come nah... Pics! - PAGE 3

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